Search results for: ai

  • Planet Mars: The Most Incredible Findings of NASA
    Planet Mars: The Most Incredible Findings of NASA
    Mars or the Red Planet is the fourth and second smallest planet of the sun. In astronomy, Mars is known from ancient times because it can be noticed with naked eyes. This curious wonder of the universe is surfaced with a dusty cold desert and thin atmosphere. The planet is surrounded by the most dynamic features of the moon, valleys, [...]
  • What Are Parosmia and Anosmia and How to Deal With Them?
    What Are Parosmia and Anosmia and How to Deal With Them?
    Parosmia is a general term that describes a certain health condition that distorts the sense of smell. The people who have parosmia can smell the scent but in a very light way. They often fail to smell the intensity. Sometimes they can detect the smell but they detect it wrong. On the other hand, Anosmia is known as a condition [...]
  • Tree Nut Allergy: Important Things You Should Know
    Tree Nut Allergy: Important Things You Should Know
    Among the allergies that occur to humans, Tree Nut Allergy sits near the top of the list in terms of most occurrences. Both adults and children are equal sufferers of this food allergy. All about Tree Nut Allergy Tree Nut Allergy is a food substance reaction to the immune system of the tree nuts and an edible seed which later [...]
  • Influential Asian Mobile Phone Manufacturers: Samsung and Others
    Influential Asian Mobile Phone Manufacturers: Samsung and Others
    It can be safe to say that China is becoming the new business head of Asia in the telecommunication sector with its several giant mobile phone manufacturing companies like Huawei and Xiaomi. On the other hand, South Korea also is doing very well in the global telecommunication business, thanks mainly to Samsung. Today the purpose of our article is to [...]
  • The Many Damaging Effects of Eating Ultra-processed Foods
    The Many Damaging Effects of Eating Ultra-processed Foods
    All of us, more or less, like to eat processed food. The food generally has a great acceptance between children and young generation. Ultra-processed food is the transformed form of an agriculture product that is prepared by following some specific food processing techniques. The most common way of preparing this type of ultra-processed food is freezing, drying, canning, baking etc. [...]
  • Three Classic Cruise Ship Sailing Company in the United Kingdom
    Three Classic Cruise Ship Sailing Company in the United Kingdom
    The wave of going on cruises collapsed for quite a while now, but people - both in the United Kingdom and other parts of the world are somehow still vying for an opportunity to go onboard a cruise ship holiday. We often hear about the big lines such as the Oceans liners and Caribbean cruises. The Royal Caribbean Cruise is [...]
  • Safety Precautions for Travelling During Coronavirus Pandemic
    Safety Precautions for Travelling During Coronavirus Pandemic
    From the ancient time of the human life cycle, travelling has become a fundamental part of our daily life. Every day we have to travel from here to there for numerous purposes. In 2020, the Coronavirus pandemic surfaced all over the world and humans became locked at home for a long period of time. A lot of international flights got [...]
  • Mobile Phone: The Best Wi-Fi App for Android on Google Play
    Mobile Phone: The Best Wi-Fi App for Android on Google Play
    You may wonder about the purpose of a Wi-Fi app, especially if you aren’t a developer or a geek. Your Android mobile phone should already have a built-in feature to scan the available networks just like Bluetooth and connect to the one you choose. However, if you want something more than what’s on offer by default, you can do so [...]
  • Gonorrhoea and Other Most Common Sexually Transmitted Infections
    Gonorrhoea and Other Most Common Sexually Transmitted Infections
    As Covid-19 lockdown confined us to our homes, many single people were starving to have sex. They are certainly counting their days out of lockdown and getting to mingle with the other singletons, and perhaps, have lots and lots of sex. However, such a desperate attempt at having as much sex as possible may also lead to some different sexually [...]
  • Popeyes and Other Top International Restaurant Brands in the United Kingdom
    Popeyes and Other Top International Restaurant Brands in the United Kingdom
    Not only the Londoners, but even the rural parts of the United Kingdom are also now developing a taste for international cuisines. The popularity of foods like fried chicken, chicken nuggets, burgers, steaks, and french fries are rising every day, with Popeyes also poised to join the party. But the tasty fried chicken market has already been frequented by multiple [...]